BTC Price: $98,146 BTC MCap: $1,942B ETH Price: $2,773 ETH MCap: $333B BNB Price: $572 BNB MCap: $83B Coins Listed: 10,455 Supported Chains: 11 Total Votes: 51,724,445

Byte Doge


Contract Address: 0x52d892bc11E9755F924A1DB0aA6981C7650b824F
Votes: 0
Votes Today: 0
Network: BSC
Votes Today:

🚀🚀Hello Everyone! It’s your Dev and beloved ByteDoge Owner here🚀🚀 😘😍It’s a pleasure to have you all in this group and I’m glad to see the interest in our sale.😍😘 🚀🚀ByteDoge is the Dog of Grok which as we all know is Elon’s AI and the best one if I say so myself 😌 We aim to be the leading Byte meme and hope that with a strong community we will achieve this goal. I mean how can u not love a mix of two great memes that made millionaires…..GROK AND DOGE?🚀🚀 ✅✅The sale is going to be a fairlaunch with a 5 BnB SoftCap which we will no doubt smash through. ✅✅The aim is to raise about 100 BnBs and we will cut the sale off there so that buy pressure at launch will be at maximum. So if you’re thinking of waiting till last minute to get in don’t wait too long.😁Once it’s about 100 BnBs we’re done.✅ ✅For the safety of our investors as well, we have done our contract and Audit with COINSULT. A very reputable audit firm and it goes without saying but we passes with flying colors. Won’t u clap for Daddy ByteDoge?😌 So I know everyone is excited for what we have planned for pre launch and post launch. 🧐🧐 HEHEHE. Here is a run down of things we will do in terms of marketing for the sale duration, towards launch and beyond. So if anyone asks ⏰⏰WEN MARKETING⏰⏰ just point em to this message so they see all we have planned 😁 You all can do your parts too and GUESS WHAT? There’s prizes too for deserving members as well as competitions…….but that’s for another post. Marketing

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Dec 19 2023


Mar 02 2024

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